Congo Court Sentences Three Americans, 34 Others to Death over Coup Attempt

Washington Examiner

A military court in Congo sentenced 37 people to death, including three Americans, after convicting them on charges of participating in an attempted coup on Friday.

Among those sentenced were a Belgian, Briton, and Canadian. Court president Freddy Ehume delivered the verdict, stating, “The court pronounces the harshest sentence: the death penalty for criminal association, the death penalty for attack, the death penalty for terrorism.”

The trial, which began in early June, focused on an alleged coup attempt on May 19, when armed men stormed government buildings, including the home of the Minister of the Economy. The group attempted to storm Congo President Felix Tshisekedi’s offices, but the army responded and thwarted the plot. Six people were killed in the botched coup attempt. Fourteen people were acquitted in the trial.










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